ACPCC launches the Inaugural Victorian Cancer Screening Annual Statistical Report.
The Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer is pleased to announce the launch of the Inaugural Victorian Annual Cancer Screening Statistical Report.
This report is an important step for the cancer screening sector in Victoria. It is unique in Australia, and the first time that such a rich level of cancer screening data has been publicly available in a visual and accessible format.
In the form of an interactive online report, screening numbers and participation rates are presented across the state of Victoria for all three National cancer screening programs: the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program, BreastScreen and the National Cervical Screening Program.
The report contains data up to 2022, and can be viewed by age group, sex, and location, and stratified by Local Government Area, Local Public Health Unit and Primary Health Network.
It provides evidence of where Victoria is achieving strong screening rates, as well as generating insights to form the basis for future work, informing targeted interventions to improve screening participation.
While Victoria has some of the best cancer outcomes globally, they are not experienced equally. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Victorians, people living in rural and regional Victoria and those living in low socio-economic areas are more likely to be diagnosed with late stage or preventable cancers.
Sharing the data and findings publicly is an important component of a collaborative and transparent process required to improve cancer outcomes for all Victorians.
This interactive report will be updated annually to reflect the latest data and will be an important resource for those working within the cancer control, prevention and population health sectors and health professionals working in primary care and cancer care.
We encourage you explore the interactive report, and share the link with your networks
The report has been possible due to the Victorian Cancer Screening Framework and developed by the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer, working in close partnership with the Department of Health Victoria, BreastScreen Victoria, Cancer Council Victoria, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and the Victorian Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance. Funding was provided by Victorian Government.