Data Requests

Scope of data available

The ACPCC Data and Reporting Solution consists of three main data sources: Bowel and Cervical Cancer Screening raw data extracts from the National Cancer Screening Register and Breast Screening data from BreastScreen Victoria. Additional Victorian data not covered in the Annual Victorian Cancer Screening Statistical Report can be requested for consideration and release. Applicants must be familiarised with the Victorian Cancer Screening Framework Data Request Guide before submitting any data requests. For any data request or related queries, please contact the ACPCC Data and Reporting team at [email protected]

To make a request for additional Victorian Cancer Screening data not covered in the Annual Victorian Cancer Screening Statistical Report, please fill in the following form.

Victorian Cancer Screening Framework Preliminary Data Request

Applicants should be familiar with the data request guide before submitting a request

1. Please provide the following details

Once submitted you will receive an email confirmation providing further details of the next steps of the process. 


All data requests are subject to the review and approval, please refer to the data request guide.

Accuracy and limitations of data

Data completeness may be variable and should be interpreted with caution. Data requestors are encouraged to discuss their data request, and the limitations in interpretation of the data with a suitably qualified person within ACPCC.

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