Professor Julia Brotherton

Qualifications: B Med (Hons), MPH (Hons), Grad Dip App Epi, FAFPHM, PhD, GAICD. Professor Julia Brotherton is a public health physician and epidemiologist. As a Professor at the University of Melbourne, she has substantial expertise and experience in the delivery and evaluation of population based screening programs and immunisation programs. She is a medical graduate from the University of Newcastle, has a Master’s degree in Public Health and a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Sydney, and holds a Fellowship in Public Health Medicine. She is a Professor of Cancer Prevention Policy and Implementation at the School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, Professorial Fellow at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. For over fifteen years Julia has been involved in research and policy development informing the implementation and evaluation of HPV vaccination programs in Australia. She has been a lead investigator in Australian research which has demonstrated the world’s first evidence of dramatic declines in both HPV infections and pre-cancerous cervical lesions in young women post- vaccination. She has over 200 publications to date and is a member of the WHO Director General’s Expert Advisory Group on Cervical Cancer Elimination, CHIC’s global HPV Vaccine Council, and the Single Dose HPV Vaccination Evaluation Consortium. Julia co-chairs the SUCCESS ECHO program, an Indo Pacific region community of practice focused on WHO’s cervical cancer elimination strategy.