Mr Wrede studied medicine at Cambridge University and St. Thomas’ Hospital London. His post-graduate training was in General Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynaecology and included two years research into Cervical Cancer and HPV at the St. Mary’s branch of the Ludwig Institute. Previous appointments in the UK’s National Health Service include Consultant posts with interests in Gynaecological Cancer, Minimal Access Surgery and Colposcopy in Scotland and England. Since moving to Australia, his main clinical focus has been in gynaecological cancer prevention at The Royal Women’s Hospital where he is now the clinical lead for the Dysplasia service. Mr Wrede is an investigator on a number of cervical cancer screening projects including COMPASS (led by A/Prof Marion Saville and Prof Karen Canfell), iPAP (led by A/Prof Dorota Gertig) and VACCINE (led by Prof Suzanne Garland). He is also a member of the Clinical Guidelines Working Group for the Renewal of the cervical cancer screening program and Secretary of the Management Committee of the Australian Society for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology. Mr Wrede is an Honorary Senior Lecturer to the Department of O&G at the University of Melbourne.